Rapsodie Tomato Information

Rapsodie, may also be spelled Rhapsody or Rhapsodie, is a beefsteak variety of tomato. If you buy beefsteaks in the store, you are most likely getting the cultivar called Trust, but vegetable growers are starting to put in more Rapsodie, and this is a great choice for your own garden. Like other beefsteak tomatoes, Rapsodies are large and bright red. The skin is thin and ribbed. Each tomato has multiple locules, the seed compartments inside the fruits. They taste wonderful raw and are juicy with a pleasant, non-mealy texture. Use Rapsodie tomatoes as slices on your burgers, chop them up for salads or bruschetta, make a fresh and light pasta sauce, or slice and sprinkle with sugar for a perfect summer dessert.

How to Grow Rapsodie Tomatoes

Rapsodie tomato care requires full sun exposure, well-drained and fertile soil, heat, and about 85 days from germination to harvest. Beefsteaks, like Rapsodies, require such a long period to develop fruit that you may want to start the seeds indoors early. Transplant outside once temperatures in the soil are around 60 degrees F. (16 C.). Give these large plants plenty of space, at least a few feet (1 m.), as they will grow up and out. Adequate spacing will help with airflow and reduce risk of disease. When growing these tomatoes, make sure you have good support for the plants and fruit. These heavy fruits can weigh up to a pound (454 grams). Without support they will drag the whole plant down, causing it to rest in the dirt. Provide your tomato plants with at least 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5 cm.) of water per week. Harvest Rapsodie tomatoes when they are red and firm. They won’t last long, so eat them right away. You can preserve them by canning or freezing.

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