What are Quinault Strawberries?

The Quinault strawberry is a cultivar that was selected for its ability to produce two harvests per year: in the late spring or early summer and again in the fall. They produce abundantly during these two seasons, but may also produce a little bit of fruit throughout the summer. The Quinault strawberry is named for an area of Washington, and it was developed by researchers at Washington State University. This is a fairly easy cultivar to grow as long as you know some basic Quinault strawberry info before you start:

These strawberries do well and will be perennial in zones 4-8. They require full sun. Quinault strawberry plants resist more diseases than other cultivars. The plants grow 8-10 inches (20.5-25.5 cm.) tall. They grow 18 to 24 inches (45.5-61 cm.) wide. Quinault strawberries need rich soil and plenty of water.

How to Grow a Quinault Strawberry

Quinault strawberry care is not much different from how you would care for other types of strawberries. Choose a spot with full sun and soil that drains well. If your soil is poor, enrich it with organic material and fertilizer. These strawberries are nutrient-hungry. Avoid burying the crown of each strawberry plant, as this can cause rot. Get your strawberries in the ground as early in the spring as possible to ensure you get two good harvests. Keep them well-watered throughout the summer. Don’t let the soil dry out too much, as water is the key to plump, tasty berries. To encourage more growth, remove flowers, and runners during the first month. Be prepared to eat, preserve and store strawberries because each Quinault you plant could give you up to 200 delicious berries each year. Pick your ripe berries in the morning, when they are still cool, and only choose those that are ripe. They will not ripen off the plant.