How to Tell Which Soil You Have by the Weeds
Oftentimes, improving the soil can eliminate or deter various types of weeds from returning. Understanding weeds as indicators of soil conditions will help you improve your lawn. The battle with weeds will most likely never be won. Garden soil conditions and weeds go hand in hand, so why not take advantage of the clues given for soil types and use the weeds to identify potential problems. Large populations of weed growth can signal poor soil conditions as well as soil type. Since these lawn weeds indicate soil conditions, it can make it easier to detect and fix problem areas before they get out of control.
Soil Types and Weeds
Using weeds as indicators of soil conditions can be helpful when fixing problem areas in the landscape. While there are numerous types of weeds, as well as a number of soil types and conditions, only the most common garden soil conditions and weeds will be mentioned here. Poor soil can include anything from moist, poorly drained soil to dry, sandy soil. It may also include heavy clay soil and hard compacted soil. Even fertile soils have their share of weeds. Some weeds will even take up residence just about anywhere, such as dandelions, making it more difficult to determine soil conditions without closer examination. Let’s look at some of the most common weeds as indicators of soil conditions:
Wet/moist soil weeds
Moss Joe-pye weed Spotted spurge Knotweed Chickweed Crabgrass Ground ivy Violets Sedge
Dry/sandy soil weeds
Sorrel Thistle Speedwell Garlic mustard Sandbur Yarrow Nettle Carpetweed Pigweed
Heavy clay soil weeds
Plantain Nettle Quack grass
Hard compacted soil weeds
Bluegrass Chickweed Goosegrass Knotweed Mustard Morning glory Dandelion Nettle Plantain
Poor/low fertility soil weeds
Yarrow Oxeye daisy Queen Anne’s lace (wild carrot) Mullein Ragweed Fennel Plantain Mugwort Dandelion Crabgrass Clover
Fertile/well-drained, humus soil weeds
Foxtail Chicory Horehound Dandelion Purslane Lambsquarters
Acidic (sour) soil weeds
Oxeye daisy Plantain Knotweed Sorrel Moss
Alkaline (sweet) soil weeds
Queen Anne’s lace (wild carrot) Chickweed Spotted spurge Chicory
The best way to identify common weeds in your area is to research books or online guides that are targeted towards these plants. Once you know how to identify common weeds, you will be able to determine current soil conditions in the landscape whenever they crop up. Garden soil conditions and weeds are a tool you can use to improve your lawn and garden.