What are Table Gardens?
Table gardens are the perfect solution for the gardener who can no longer bend down or over to plant and tend a garden. Table gardens are also used in adaptive and therapeutic gardens. Table garden design involves using a raised box bed and elevating it to accommodate a chair underneath. Raised garden bed tables are easy to tend and take up very little space, making them perfect for the patio or deck.
How to Build Table Garden Boxes
Raised garden bed tables are not difficult to construct and there are many plans available online on how to build table garden boxes. Free plans are also available through most Cooperative Extension Offices. Tables can be constructed in less than two hours and material costs can be as little as $50. Soil depth should be at least 6 inches (15 cm.) but can be deeper to accommodate plants with larger roots. Table beds can be customized to suit the needs of the gardener, but most beds are either square or rectangular and allow for easy reach across the table. Miniature table gardens are becoming more and more popular and are an attractive addition to any deck or patio. These small raised spaces are perfect for a few herbs, some lettuce, or decorative flowers.
How to Plant a Garden on a Table
It is best to use a lightweight, organic-rich planting medium when gardening on a table raised bed. Raised beds dry out quickly, so installation of a drip irrigation system is useful. Plants in table beds can be placed a bit closer together because the nutrients are concentrated in a small area. Seeds can be broadcast or you can use transplants. Plant vining plants along the edge where they can hang down or install a trellis to the side of the raised bed.