Creating an All-White Garden

If the area where you want to use a white garden has been planted previously, you’ll have to remove colorful specimens or include them in the white flower theme. There are many ways to proceed when creating an all-white garden. One of the easiest and most practical ways for the home gardener to implement a white garden design is to start planting white flowers, shrubs, and trees, then remove specimens of other colors as they bloom. If plants of other colors should not be dug while in bloom, mark the area for later removal. Decide at this time what replacement plant you’ll use to complement the white garden design.

How to Create a White Colored Garden

When creating an all-white garden, be sure to consider the background where white flowering plants will grow. If it is not complimentary to white blooms, plant specimens tall and wide enough to disguise or hide it, such as the backyard garbage can area. Research plants for all white gardens before implementing them. As you know, some white blooms fade to a sickly brown. Don’t discount them, just remember when using these types of plants in the white garden design to plant other specimens to cover or distract from their decline. The abundant foliage and showy blooms of the white crinum lily are perfect for hiding spent white, spring blooms when using a white flower theme. When using the crinum (swamp lily), keep in mind it may take a couple of years to produce blooms. Use plants with silvery foliage for transition as well.

Plants for All-White Gardens

Gardens with white flower themes serve many functions in the landscape. Fragrant white specimens such as Angel’s trumpet, Iceberg rose, and moonflower can enclose an outdoor seating area while enticing guests to remain and enjoy the smell. Many white blooms appear to glow in the dark, injecting the appeal of an evening moon garden. Foliage of white flower themed gardens can add contrast in a range of textures in both sun and shade areas. The variegated foliage of the Solomon’s seal plant, with its white hanging blooms, turns golden in autumn for a provocative appeal when creating an all-white garden in the shady area. Don’t forget spreading ground covers such as lily of the valley. Plants with variegated foliage, like Hosta, can transition between various areas in the white garden design. Many have white blooms. Get creative and experiment when learning how to create a white colored garden. Include plants that bloom in spring, summer, and even fall and winter. White flowering hellebore and crocus often bloom in winter. With ongoing effort, you can grace your landscape with an elegant, white garden.

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